Bilaketa aurreratua

Garaikoetxea, Carlos, 1938-

Garaikoetxea, Carlos, 1938-

Iruña, Nafarroa, 1938 -

Apunte biografikoak/historikoak: Resumen extraído de Wikipedia en español:
"Carlos Garaikoetxea Urriza (Pamplona, 2 de junio de 1938) es un político, abogado y economista español de ideología nacionalista vasca. Como miembro del Partido Nacionalista Vasco, fue el segundo y último presidente del órgano preautonómico del País Vasco, el Consejo General Vasco, y el primer lehendakari del Gobierno Vasco tras la promulgación del Estatuto de Gernika (1980), cargo que ocupó hasta 1985. Fundó y presidió Eusko Alkartasuna tras su escisión del PNV en 1986. En 1999 se retiró de la política activa y reside en Zarauz (País Vasco)."

Abstract from English Wikipedia:
"Carlos Garaikoetxea Urriza (born in Pamplona, Navarre, 2 June 1938) is a former Basque politician. He became the second elected Lehendakari (President of the Basque Country), after José Antonio Aguirre, who had held that office in 1936-60. He was a leading figure in the Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) of Navarre in the period 1975-80. In 1979, he has elected president of the Basque General Council, the preautonomic body preparing the devolution of powers to the Basque Country prior to the approval of the Statute of Autonomy. Once approved, Garaikoetxea was elected Lehendakari in 1980 and reelected in 1984. During his presidency the Basque statute of autonomy was developed. As Lehendakari inaugurated the emission of Basque Television (EiTB) on 31 December 1982. In his term, important self-government institutions were created: the Basque Health Public System (Osakidetza) and Ertzaintza, the Basque police service, which was directed by his close collaborator Juan Porres Azkona since 1982 until 1986. During the floods of August 1983, he managed both Basque and Spanish emergency services in order to solve the resulting problems. The economy recovered through the revision of the Basque "Concierto Económico" and the Basque language was established throughout the Basque education system. In 1985 nevertheless, major divergences with the direction of his party (Law of Historical Territories, personal clash with the president of the Basque Nationalist Party, Xabier Arzalluz, expulsion of all the organization in Navarre) created a major split inside EAJ-PNV and Garaikoetxea, leading one of the factions (with greater support in Gipuzkoa, Navarre and Vitoria-Gasteiz, but not in Biscay nor the Araban countryside), he was replaced by José Antonio Ardanza in 1985. Soon after, the breach inside the party was complete and Eusko Alkartasuna was founded, with Garaikoetxea becoming its president and candidate to the Basque Presidency, role that he held until 1999, when he retired from politics. He was elected as deputy in the Basque Parliament in all successive elections until 1998. He was also a Member of the European Parliament from 1987 to 1991."
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Izenaren modu alternatiboak: Garaikoetxea Urriza, Carlos, 1938-
Garaikoetxea Urriza, Carlos, 1938
Kontsultatutako iturriak:
  1. Euskadi, la transición inacabada, 2002. - port. (Carlos Garaikoetxea)
  2. Euskadi, la transición inacabada, 2002. - at. (Carlos Garaikoetxea)
  3. WWW BNE Aut., 2012-02-01. - Garaikoetxea, Carlos (1938-)
  4. WWW Wikipedia, 2012-02-01. - Carlos Garaikoetxea Urriza (Pamplona, Navarra, 2 de junio de 1938) es un político, abogado y economista español de ideología nacionalista vasca