Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilintx, 1831-1876

Bilintx, 1831-1876

Donostia, Gipuzkoa, 1831 - Donostia, Gipuzkoa, 1876

Apunte biografikoak/historikoak: Euskarazko Wikipediatik ateratako laburpena:
"Indalezio Bizkarrondo Ureña, ezagunagoa Bilintx goitizenaz, (1831ko apirilaren 30a, Donostia, Gipuzkoa - 1876ko uztailaren 21a, Donostia, Gipuzkoa) bertsolaria eta euskal poeta erromantikoa izan zen, bere ideia progresista eta liberalistengatik ezaguna."

Resumen extraído de Wikipedia en español:
"Guillermo Joaquín Indalecio Bizkarrondo Ureña (San Sebastián, 30 de abril de 1831 - 21 de julio de 1876), también conocido con el apodo Bilintx, Vilinch o Moko, fue un poeta y bertsolari romántico español que trabajó principalmente en lengua vasca, con algunos poemas menores en castellano, caracterizado por sus ideas progresistas y liberales."

Abstract from English Wikipedia:
"Indalecio Bizcarrondo, also known as Bilintx (San Sebastián, 1831-1876) was a Basque improvisational poet or bertsolari living in Spain, who wrote largely in the Basque language. He associated in the liberal circles of the city, with the likes of Serafin Baroja and Manterola, in the period extending between the two main Carlist Wars. The imprint of his life's experiences, including a number of accidents and failed love affairs, are evident in his poetry. He is considered a Romantic in style, and was an enthusiastic reader of Spanish romantic poets such as Becquer. He worked also in the bertso paperak style, producing poems on sheets of paper that could be sold loose and sung by the people, some of which caught on in popular culture. Bein batian Loyolan (spelling of that period) remains one of his most memorable poems, nowadays sung to a John Denver's tune popularised by the local music band Egan in the 1980s. He was killed by a Carlist grenade shelled on Donostia-San Sebastián on the San Sebastian Day during the Second Carlist War. Coincidentally, he died after months of suffering the same day the Charters (Foruak) were abolished on 21 July 1876."
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Izenaren modu alternatiboak: Bizkarrondo, Indalezio, 1831-1876
Bizcarrondo Ureña, Guillermo Joaquín Indalecio, 1831-1876
Bizcarrondo, Indalecio, 1831-1876
Bilints, 1831-1876
Vilinch, 1831-1876
Bilinch, 1831-1876
Kontsultatutako iturriak:
  1. Bertso eta poema hautatuak, 2004. - at. (Indalezio Bizkarrondo "Bilintx")
  2. Bertso eta poema hautatuak, 2004. - port. (Indalezio Bizkarrondo "Bilintx")
  3. Bertso ta lan guziak, 1962. - at. (Indalecio Bizcarrondo Bilintx)
  4. Bertso ta lan guziak, 1962. - port. (Indalecio Bizcarrondo Bilintx)
  5. Bertso ta lan guztiak, 1961. - at. (Bilintx)
  6. Bertso ta lan guztiak, 1961. - port. (Bilintx)
  7. Bilintx : (1831-1876), a los 100 años de su muerte, 1978
  8. Neurtitzak eta neurri gabeko itzak, 1911. - at. (Bilints)
  9. Neurtitzak eta neurri gabeko itzak, 1911. - port. (Bilints)
  10. WWW Dicc. Encicl. Vasco (Auñamendi), 2007-12-05. - Bizcarrondo Ureña, Indalecio. "Vilinch", "Bilinch", "Bilintx". Escritor euskérico. n. en Donostia-San Sebastián el día 30 de abril de 1831. Su nombre completo fue Guillermo Joaquín Indalecio. En 1876 (...) m. el día 22 de julio...