Todas las obras relacionadas: Estados Unidos-Nueva York
201 Ukraïnskij Narodnj Piseny = 201 Ukrainian folk songs
- Paris ; New York : Ukranian music publishing CO, cop. 1943.
- Partituras
A melancholy dream = (Triste songe) : valse lente
- Betty, Jane
- New York ; Paris (Place de la Madelaine) : J. W. Stern : L. Maillochon, cop. 1919.
- Partituras
The abbess of vlaye
- Weyman, Stanley J
- London ; New York ; Bombay : Longmans, Green and Co., 1904.
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Un acto de fe : relación de la ceremonia de colocación de la primera piedra de la sede...
- [Nueva York] : Naciones Unidas, [s.a.].
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Album fur die Jugend = Album for the young, op. 68 ; Drei Klavier-Sonaten fur die Jugend = Three...
- Schumann, Robert
- New York : Lea Pocket Scores, 1957.
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[Galerie ornithologique : collection d'oiseaux d'Europe
- [Paris ; London ; New York : publié par Armand Robin : Thomas MacLean : Bailly Ward & Co, s.a.]
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Amahl and the night visitors : opera in one act
- Menotti, Gian Carlo
- New York ; London : G. Schirmer, cop. 1952.
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Ambos Mundos : revista mensual
- Nueva York [EEUU] : Ambos Mundos Publications, Inc, 1946
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- Periódicos y Revistas
America : from West Side Story
- Bernstein, Leonard
- New York : G. Schirmer, Inc., cop. 1957.
- Partituras
American catholic dilemma : an inquiry into the intellectual life
- O'Dea, Thomas F
- New York : Sheed and Ward, cop. 1958.
- Libros
American poetry 1671-1928 : a comprehensive anthology
- New York : The Modern Library, cop. 1929.
- Libros
American Renaissance : art and expression in the age of Emerson and Whitman
- Matthiessen, F.O
- New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1946.
- Libros
Annie and her aunt
- New York : Edward Dunigan & Brother, 1851 (H. Ludwig 6 co.)
- Libros
An anthology of world prose
- New York : Halcyon House, cop. 1939.
- Libros
Argia : euskaldunak euskeraz
- Caracas [Venezuela] ; Nueva York [Estados Unidos] : [s.n.], 1946-1948
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- Periódicos y Revistas
The ball and the cross
- Chesterton, G. K.
- New York : John Lane Company, 1910.
- Libros
Barnaby rudge : a tale of the riots of 'eighty
- Dickens, Charles
- London ; Edinburgh ; New York : Thomas Nelson and sons, 1900.
- Libros
Basques : bulletin of the Basque Delegation in the USA
- Nueva York [EE.UU] : Delegación del Gobierno Vasco, 1943-1944
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- Periódicos y Revistas
Be happier, be healthier
- Hauser, Gayelord
- New York : Popular Library, 1954.
- Libros
Benedictionale Romanum sive Sacrae Benedictiones e Rituali Romano et ejus Apendice necnon e...
- Iglesia Católica
- Ratisbonae ; Neo Eboraci & Cincinnatii : sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, 1884.
- Libros
Benedictionale romanum sive sacrae benedictiones in rituali romano et in ejus adprobata appendice...
- Iglesia Católica
- Ratisbonae ; Neo Eboraci & Cincinnatii : sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, 1884.
- Libros
Benjamin Franklin : the autobiography
- Franklin, Benjamin
- New York : Pocket Books, 1946.
- Libros
A brief concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments : by which all, or most,...
- Browm, John
- New-York : published by Collins and CO., 1814.
- Libros
Cantata profana Die Zauberhirsche = The giant stags : für gemischten Chor, Tenorsolo, Baritonsolo...
- Bartók, Béla
- New York : Universal Edition, cop. 1955.
- Partituras
Carta pastoral del Exmo. e Illmo. Sor. Obispo de La Habana a sus amados diocesanos sobre la...
- La Habana (Diócesis)
- New York : Robert Coddington, Catholic Publisher, [s.a.]
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The case of the rolling bones
- Gardner, Erle Stanley
- New York : Pocket Books, 1947.
- Libros
El caso extraño del doctor Jekyll
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Nueva York : D. Appleton y Compañía, 1899.
- Libros
Catalogue d'une importante collection de lettres autographes et de pièces historiques...
- Paris ; Londres ; New-York : Maison Gabriel Charavay : MM. Deprez et Gutekunst : M. Walter-R. Benjamin, 1892 (Rouen : Imprimerie Julien Lecerf)
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The catholic's vade mecum, a select manual of prayers for daily use.
- London ; New York : Burns and Oates, [s.a.]
- Libros
Cavalleria Rusticana
- Mascagni, Pietro
- New York : Edwin F. Kalmus, cop. 1948.
- Partituras