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Tipo de entidad: Udalerri
Apuntes biográficos/históricos: Ateratako Euskarazko Wikipediaren laburpena:
"Artikulu hau Bizkaiko herriari buruzkoa da; beste esanahietarako, ikus «Durango (argipena)». Durango Bizkaiko hego-ekialdeko udalerri bat da, Durangaldea eskualdekoa. 10,79 km² ditu, eta 2015. urtean 29.109 biztanle zituen."

Abstract from English Wikipedia:
"Durango is a city and municipality of the historical territory and province of Biscay, located in the Basque Country, Spain. It is the capital city of Durangaldea, one of the comarcas of Biscay. Because of its economical activities and population, Durango is considered one of the most important cities in Biscay after the ones that compose the conurbation of Greater Bilbao. Durango has 28,618 inhabitants (2012). The town is crossed by three rivers (as illustrated in the town symbol). The Ibaizabal river is the main river, and lies in the middle of its wide valley, with the scenic Urkiola mountain range and natural park to the south. The most important peak is the majestic Anboto (1,331 m (4,367 ft) in elevation). In addition, inside the town stand out two mountains: Pagasarri mountain (838 mts.)and Neberondo (453 mts.)."
Relaciones: Término genérico:
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Virtual International Authority File



Library of Congress Linked Data Service

FAST Linked Data

Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

DBpediako euskarazko

DBpedia en español

Fuentes consultadas:
  1. Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística. Corpus del euskera: Toponimia. - Durango(24600). - http://www.euskadi.eus/toponima-onomastica-cav/web01-a2corpus/es
  2. Instituto Geográfico Nacional. Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población. - Durango. - http://www.ign.es/web/rcc-nomenclator-nacional
  3. Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila. Euskararen corpusa: Toponimia. - Durango(24600). - http://www.euskadi.eus/eaeko-toponimia-onomastika/web01-a2corpus/eu